Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day Four - Pantheon and Piazza Narvona

Day four in the Eternal City, Roma, and it has not taken us this long to figure out how it has acquired this nickname. By now we're sure it's not just by way of her ancient monuments and history, it must also be accredited to the lasting impression she also undoubtably makes on all who visit.

This beautiful city exudes life, art and spirituality like no other. And added to this there's the constant movement and activity, and the people, people, people!

Tonight we go to bed like every night, confident that the new morning will bring with it the promise of another new adventure. I, myself, can't wait...stay tuned.


Night Artists in Narvona

Artists in Rome
Noel and Carol-Ann at the Four Rivers Fountain

Raphael's Mausoleum in the Pantheon

Portrait Artist at work

Eleanor signing the Visitors' Book in the Pantheon

Pantheon Pillars of Strength

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