Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 11 - Pompeii


As I walked the ruins of this magnificent old city somehow you couldn’t help feeling you are walking with them before 79 AD when the eruption of Vesuvius made time stand still.
As my three Masters, Carol-Ann, Noel and James have written so eloquently, there are no words to describe all we have had to behold and try to absorb while on this trip of a life time.
In Rome , we have seen all the sights mentioned in the books, but I have to say two of these magnificent sites made me feel so connected…first the Pantheon. Every time I looked at the outside structure still so intact, it brings a lump to my throat.
But Pompeii I found so over whelming you could feel goose bumps as you walk these indescribable ruins. We think we are so knowledgeable in the 21th century until you see what they had accomplished back in 200 AD. and before.
Of all I have seen none touched me more than to study some of these individual dwellings of family’s so long ago. The most tragic was when I saw the casted mould of the body of a man whose life stopped so abruptly with this terrible disaster of Mt. Vesuvius.
Last night I had a dream that I was laying tile in Pompeii and Carol-Ann was helping me select the design.
A picture is worth a 1000 words, I hope you might have a small inkling from these photos as to what I have felt. Enjoy.
If you ever come to Italy this is a must on your list.

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